As the City of Chicago moves forward to phase 3, we will reopen our doors and follow these guidelines to keep our school safe, healthy and COVID-free for students and staff.
Groupings and Schedule
- Teachers and students will be grouped by cohort. There will be a MWF cohort and a TTh cohort. While on phase 3 & 4, students and teachers may not change schedules.
- For the duration of phase 3, each cohort will be restricted to 10 students only.
Drop-off & pick-up
- To minimize crowding, only one parent / authorized person per child will allowed during drop-off & pick-up
- All must observe proper social distancing outside while on queue for entry
- A sanitizing foot bath will be placed by the entry way (i.e., children will be asked to step on a tray with sanitizing solution to disinfect their shoes) . Everyone must step in the foot bath before entry.
Daily monitoring of symptoms and temperatures
- Daily health checks will be done for all persons entering the school. This includes students, parents / authorized person, staff, vendors. Temperatures will be checked and recorded in a logbook.
- Anyone with a temperature of 100.4 deg F or have symptoms of illness or upper respiratory infection (i.e. sniffles, cough, sneeze, watery eyes) will be restricted from entering.
Face Coverings
- All staff must wear a mask and / or face shield throughout their duty.
- Children, when tolerable, shall wear face mask or face shield throughout the day while inside the school except when eating or napping.
Proper Hand Hygiene
- Hand sanitizers will still be available in strategic places for use of staff and parents.
- To encourage hand washing upon entry of premises, staff will dispense liquid hand soap on each child’s hand and usher them to the washroom to finish hand washing.
Environmental Safety
- High touch surfaces shall be wiped clean with disinfecting solution every hour or as needed
- Each cohort will use separate toys and school supplies to avoid cross contamination.
- Cleaning and disinfecting of the facility will be done daily.
- Outdoor shoes must be left in the designated tray.
- To keep the school well ventilated, on good weather days, the back door will be kept open (a screen door will be installed to keep the bugs out) and exhaust fan will remain on for the duration of the class.
- Staff members will wear masks and a separate set of clothes for school. Upon arrival, staff will change out of their street clothes and wear scrubs.